firewire interface dac

firewire 24/192 DAC - Weiss DAC2 vs SS model 303.
I've got a edirol (roland) fa-66 firewire audio interface at home, it can be called a dac if you want. It's more pro audio, it does 24/192, I did find.
Oct 3, 2011. I am in the camp that prefers using a Firewire audio interface as a bridge between the Mac and a DAC which only has coax or optical S/PDIF.
Why a Lynx card and a DAC? - Computer Audiophile.
Dec 25, 2009. I want a Firewire DAC with 2 channel 24/192 ability.. it seem that 303 may be a firewire interface only and 304 is the ADDA convertor, which is.
Aug 29, 2008. Thread: Firewire to AES Interface. a Weiss Vesta ( due out soon ) or a Weiss Minerva DAC ( completely sold out at the moment ) are there any.
apogee firewire - Forum search results. MOTU 896mk3 Hybrid FireWire / USB2 Audio.
Audio interfaces and their AD/DA chips LISTED -
Output from MacBook Pro to DAC - Computer Audiophile.
Through Mini-DAC's ability to interface directly with your computer and virtually any DAW via FireWire, you get maximum flexibility for a myriad of input formats.
Firewire interface - Computer Audiophile.
Apogee Mini-DAC FireWire |